Monday, May 05, 2008

From Conversion to Convention

From Conversion to Convention

The Journey and Observations of a New Libertarian

Since I was 6 years old I have been interested in politics at some level. Early on it was largely because of my parents, my first recollection of politics came in the 1976 election. My parents were Ford supporters, or more likely Carter opponents, the morning after the election I remember hearing that Carter had won, from my classmates in the first grade, my teacher seemed pretty happy about it. After a few years of gas lines, huge inflation, the invention of the misery index and the general humiliation of the United States around the world, my parents view seemed vindicated. When I was punished as a child I was often grounded and television was always taken away even for the slightest of offenses, my parents often would make an exception for the news, I guess I was in trouble enough to loose my early dislike for news and world events, but I never let on. In 1980 I actually faked sick to watch Reagan's inauguration. Reagan years were good for my family and politics didn't seem as crucial through my teen years.

In college I met a group of objectivists at the University, and the message of individual liberty and the morality of the self interested man actually as moral. My objectivist years were probably one of the biggest influences in my life, it led to a parting of ways with my parents in some respects, (gun control, religion being the most noticeable). All the while I had maintained my Republican affiliation and I took a lot of grief from my friends about it. I figured they weren't perfect but hey they were the most likely to keep their hands of my wallet and I felt at the time the religious right was being placated.

I was even a College Republican Chairman for a year. That came to end when I wouldn't support some members wishes to protest and adult bookstore, that had existed for years without issue, merely because a friend of a member had opened a bridal store next door. My reaction was that you friend shouldn't have opened her store there, and I wouldn't lend my support or the groups support against capitalism. It became clear I wasn't wanted and I left, but I still voted Republican, because they in my mind had the least amount of plans for my wallet.

This was also the time I started hear about the Libertarian Party, my objectivist friends and mentors gave the same about of flack if not more about this, claiming that they really had no underpinning philosophy and ethics to back up Liberty while I saw their point, but I still felt it was an overly harsh criticism, at the same time I didn't get behind them mainly because of the “they cant' win,” argument, and I still wanted to vote against the Democrats 1) because they couldn't wait to get their hands on my wallet and 2) through college I came to realize the incremental march toward socialism the left had us on was more successful and more dire than I had originally had know. I wasn't super high on the Republicans either with the first George Bush caving to Democratic pressure to shutdown the government and raising taxes. My feelings were let them, shut down the government things will probably run better anyway. The recession hit, and you would figure people would learn but no, we elected Bill Clinton even thought the economy was coming back 5 months before the election and on a dime the press played up the Clinton “recovery,” but I called it the Wal-Mart recovery because for the most part that was when the wal-mart expanded from the south to the north, and it took me 6 years to make the same level of income that I made as a night loader when I was in high school.

When I left college I really had left college, for many years I was disaffected with politics, I figured that we were sliding toward socialism just one party was going to take the country there faster than the other. I was resigned to my objectivist friends view that there can't be a political change in this country unless there is first a philosophical change, and largely I still believe that today. I was curious however George W. Bush got elected, I wondered if this guy would fulfill the failed promises of previous Republicans, after he has a Republican congress. I ignored all his talk of compassionate conservatism throughout the campaign, I was hoping that was just empty campaign promises, no such luck he meant everything he said. He and the Republican congress spent like drunken sailors. From that point on I knew that they never meant what they said and they lost all credibility. He also laid the ground work for the Democrats to come in and reach into my wallet.

There I was after spending six years focusing on my career, I wanted to find a political outlet again, the Republicans had their chance and failed, the democrats were never an option and as far as I was concerned they were partners on the slow march toward the slavery that is socialism. I started thinking about the Libertarians again. I had always had similar views, at least 90-95% anyway and I had to believe there had to be a group that still advocates for Liberty. I started to do some research into the because the one thing I did know, I would be in for a great deal of frustration for the foreseeable future if I were to join, so I wanted to makes sure it was what I thought it was. I had concerns this party might be entirely populated by anarchists, 911 “truthers,” I also have concerns that given the attitude my objectivist friends had toward libertarians, that libertarians might have a similar attitude toward objectivists. I looked around the Internet, the LP web site wasn't a lot of help, it was focus largely on signing up members, not a lot of thought leadership. Web sites like seemed to be consumed with with the war in Iraq. I believe that there are some proper roles for government and that is to protect our individual rights from those individuals who would infringe on them, from foreign governments who would threaten them, and have a courts system to moderate disputes between individuals. Reading some web sites I had my doubts that libertarians believed as I did, there was a lot of if “we just leave everyone alone, they will all become western and leave us alone” and we seemed in there estimation who pursued foreign policy based on self interest and that we were the entire cause of the suffering in the world. I was sophomoric view of the world a lot of board posters had, they reminded me of people in college were easily led by their professors, and had never been out of the country outside of maybe a Caribbean resort. No one seemed focused on the lefts march to socailism or the rights inability to stop them.

I was starting to feel like there would be no political home for me, but luck for me it was a election year, and in my district in Virginia there was Libertarian candidate running for congreess, name Wilbur (Bill) Wood. Looking at his website I saw some common sense approaches to reduce government, and he wasn't trying to go for the libertarian home run and trying to achieve utopia over night. His site was linked to state libertarian site which had his campaign meetings listed in the calendar. I figured as last ditch opportunity I would crash Mr Woods Campaign, maybe the bloggers and posters weren't as representative as it seemed at the time, I will mix it up with the people with their feet on the ground. His meeting was scheduled to be at a sports bar 10 minutes from where I work, so we were off to a good start, if it wasn't for me at least I could have a drink and move along. When I got there I found 5 volunteers from around the district and one or two outside of the district, they were all reasonable, while we had differences they were calm and willing to discuss, a refreshing change from the dismissive attitudes I saw in cyberspace. The campaign staff was a little taken aback by my presence, they just weren't used to someone seeking them out to learn more about their campaign. Once they got over the shock, they jumped on the opportunity to draft me into their campaign, and I was willing to do so. It was a fruitless experience although it was fun, I put out signs, helped with debate prep, and sat in on strategy sessions, I don't know if I was a help at all but it was fun. My time was also educational, I found that most people really like the two party system, and aren't fans of the democratic process. I remember putting signs out at the debate and getting nasty looks and more than a handful of people tell us that we shouldn't even be there and that we were nothing more than a distraction, and we would be taking away time from those they were there to see. I guess some people only like to hear heavily financed points of view, so much for being against money in politics. Leaving the debate (after Bill put in a good performance) there were some positive reaction, there were comments like “I'm not going to vote for you but I'm glad you were in the debate, and you made some valid points,” I guess that is what you look for as a Libertarian, is to make some headway and educate. In the end we got a shade less than one percent, but I had decided to hang around.

Bill who was also the 10th district Chairman wasted no time after the election to head up the Libertarian group in my county. Apparently there was once a robust group, but over the last few years it had died out. I am not and never really have been a good organizer, but I figured that I decided to be a member of the party, and if I don't do it no one will. I made contributions to the party both national and state, and I had donated to Bill's campaign, and I realized this was the first time I had put my money where my mouth was. I started up a page in hopes to draw new members. It was very slow at first, who am I kidding it still is slow but not as bad as before. Six months after I started my group a funny thing happened Ron Paul decided to run for the Republican presidential nomination, and I saw my pool of potential members run to the Republican Party, the place where I came from. So far they aren't returning either. Maybe after the Republican convention happens and their dream of taking over the convention falls short they may return, but they maybe they will grow to like the trappings of being part of big party.

Time flies and I find another elections season upon us and a Presidential one at that. I was curious as to who would be running for the Libertarians, hoping that it would be someone who could capture the attention of the general public. The Democrats seemed more Marxist than ever, probably emboldened to be themselves by the blunders of the bush administration. They railed against the war and manipulated intelligence, but I doubt it would have been different after all it was Clinton/Gore who manipulated the intelligence and the media to get us involved in Bosnia where there was absolutely no national interest. The Democrats also cried about the spending of the Bush administration, so did I, but I suspect for different reasons, the Democrats hate it when other people try to buy back the votes they already bought. The Republicans also didn't put anyone that would entice me to come back, and yes that includes Ron Paul. I respect Ron Paul and I agree with him probably 80% of the time but I had a hard time getting past 10% of the 20% of the things I didn't agree with him on, and just when I thought I might I would run into one of his supporters, and they would kill any reconsideration on my part. The biggest issue I had with Ron Paul he largely had the right message but was the wrong messenger, and in addition his followers seemed to drive away as much support as they draw. Plenty of times I would run into a Ron Paul supporter who would be shocked that I wouldn't give my unqualified support to Dr. Paul, and instead of take the time to convince me, at the first sign of objection they would shout that I was stupid, or even worse call me a fascist, joining the growing ranks of people who either don't know what a fascist or Fascism is or willingly cheapen the term till its meaning is just people we don't like. In the end I felt Ron and Supporters would to more damage to the Libertarians than good, they play well with the converted, but they put off the general public and some of the converted.

I looked at the Libertarian field and most candidates boiled down to the what I call a Libertarian Utopian, one who thinks they can win and bring the Libertarian way of life to the country in one term. I only wish the left took the same approach a century ago, they would be as irrelevant as libertarians are now. Imagine if in 1920's the Democrats said elect us were going implement the Communist Manifesto as soon as we get in, instead they got us to buy in little by little playing on Judeo/Christen guilt and proposing government action/force as a cure, and I think we need to get back, in a similar fashion as people aren't ready for it yet, so I am not moved by them. Then there are the America is all bad types that believe we should take all shots at our populace because some how we deserve everything that happens to us, well given my position on the proper function of government I can't support that either. Remember the purpose of a political party is to win hearts and minds to do well in elections, much different than a philosophical movement some don't seem to get that in the Libertarian Party. The anti-war, anti-defense, candidates don't seem to realize you can't tell the difference between their Bush hatred (largely founded but overplayed as he isn't running again) and the Democrats, the people who are anti-war and hate Bush will vote democrat. They can be anti-defense/war, but just emphasize something that differentiates you from the major parties, if you say the same things they will just drown them out. There are some running for the Libertarian nod who aren't even Libertarians, not based on Libertarian purity tests, but by their own admission we have a green, and and independent seeking the Libertarian nomination. Finally there is Wayne Allyn Root is he perfect no, but he is articulate and the most media savvy Libertarian I have seen and he access to the media that none of the others (outside of maybe Bob Barr) will have their entire life. Mr Root knows we aren't going to win the election but he does see it as an opportunity to get the message out. I was excited after listening to him, I said this was the kind of guy that had I not already joined the party, would have peaked my interest and probably would have gotten me to join, and if he would have reached me he is likely to reach others. Here I am thinking things were going well, we might have a compelling candidate when there are probably more disaffected Republicans out there then Democrats, we might actually grow the party get more than 1 % in the general election. My spirit was renewed, I signed up to attend the national convention, I spent last Sunday gathering signatures for one of our candidates for US Senate here in Virginia, (much to my wifes chagrin as I was away all week on a business trip, and she can't understand why I support a group that doesn't participate and wants to loose). Things were going well, talk shows like Glen Beck, and Man cow, had Wayne on their show, He was on fox sports, Fox business, sure its not 60 Minutes or Night Line, but it sure is better than Internet radio when it comes to exposing Libertarian ideas to new audiences.

My optimism was short lived as I went to the Internet again, and started to notice what some of my friends in Libertarian circles refer to the “Purity Police.” These are anarchists in the Libertarian Party who see no role for government at all in society, they go beyond the founding fathers belief that government was a necessary evil, and some will criticize the founding fathers for not going far enough, I don't think they really take into the account the context of the founders achievement. The Purity Police, have been posting constantly accusing Mr Root of being a war monger, a criticism I find unfair as the Purity Police would regard anyone who doesn't subscribe to the niave view of foreign policy where all aggression in the world is caused by the United States, and that if we leave everyone alone (a good thing outside of trade) that everyone will love us (this ignores reality), is a war monger. They seem to leave no provision in their view of role of government to protect our rights from aggressors from abroad, or if they do they don't see the possibility of force being necessary. The Anarchists and Radicals also seem to think that Wayne Root may be using the Libertarian Party, this is the funniest accusation among many, what would anyone have to gain by using the Libertarian party, we get less than one percent in presidential elections, the LP is nonexistent in congress, finish a distant third most of the time in state races, and usually only hold a couple of local government seats, why is he using the Libertarian party? I know from my personal journey, if make the choice to join the Libertarian party you are believer of some sort, you don't come to the Libertarian party for prestige, because the first thing that happens is your friends, family and neighbors question your judgment, and I am sure that it is no different for Mr. Root.

When it comes to the Purists ( a term I use with a great amount of hesitation as it implies that their view of liberty resembles pure, and gives them more credit than they may deserve), they would rather have college professor type candidate who will people will barely see on C-SPAN. In various comments to Internet posts and blogs some will even stat they would rather have a candidate incapable of appealing to public and who can only reach the Purity Police themselves, rather than someone who although not perfect, could get advance Libertarian Ideas to a new group of people. I wonder if they know what a political party is for, and if they might be more at home in a philosophical discussion group, where they can congratulate themselves on how intellectually pure they believe themselves to be. When they insult people like Mr Root and Bob Barr, they insult people like me who came from somewhere else, and had to struggle with the decision to come here. It would be one thing if they would try to convince through argument and persuasion, but all to often they fall back on restating their original assertion louder and then they resort to calling names, but rarely to I see real debate. They don't want a big tent party, or even a pup tent party, they more want an umbrella sized party.

My wife often wonders why I spend so much time dealing with a party that has been so inept, and sometimes I begin to wonder myself. When it comes down to it, eventually my wife and I are going to have kids and the best things I can hope to provide them is life in a free society, and provided I do a good job in raising them, they will ask me what I have done, to further the cause of Liberty I can tell them I did something even if it in the end wasn't the right or most effective thing. I was thinking about ducking out of the Libertarian Convention, figuring that there was no use that the Libertarian Party was about ready to destroy itself or whats left of itself, with all the factionalism, but I have decided to go anyway. The Purity Police will have to do more than insult people on some blog comments to scare me away, I will make a determination when at the convention if the time I spent gathering signatures, helping out in campaigns and the money I donated was a waste or not. If I have to treat some “Libertarians” as hostile then so be it, they will get the same treatment that socialist will get. I know of a few people who are going that I have already learned from and know that Liberty won't advance if we keep the LP as some poorly executed exclusive debate society. It will be good to meet others who love liberty and care to advance it.